
"Like Eve, the first woman,
Wilke is self-originating with a vengeance.... She has driven deep into her corporeal self to create a legacy for the sacred
Selected Publications About Hannah Wilke
Nancy Princenthal, Hannah Wilke, Prestel Publishing, New York, NY, 2010.
Joanna Frueh, "Hannah Wilke," in exhibition catalog, Hannah Wilke, A Retrospective, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, MO,
Tim Cone, "Life Over Art: Oldenburg's Privacy,
Wilke's Publicity," Arts, September, 1989. Laura Cottingham, "Some Naked
Truths and Her Legacy in the 90s," in exhibition catalog, Hannah Wilke-A Retrospective, Nicolaj Contemporary
Art Center, Copenhagen, 1998. Leslie Dick, “Hannah Wilke.” X-tra Art, Summer, 2003, p.23-27. Alfred M. Fischer, "Becoming Form and Remaining Human," in exhibition catalog, Hannah Wilke-A
Retrospective, Nicolaj Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, 1998.Alfred M. Fischer, "Hannah Wilke,
die wirkliche Braut, etkleidet," in exhibition catalog, Marcel Duchamp and the Avant Garde, Museum Ludwig, Cologne,
1988. Joanna Frueh, "Hannah Wilke" in Erotic Faculties, University
of California Press, Berkeley, 1996. Saundra Goldman, "Gesture and the Regeneration of the Universe,"
in exhibition catalog, Hannah Wilke-A Retrospective, Nicolaj Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, 1998. Amelia
Jones, "The Rhetoric of the Pose: Hannah Wilke and the Radical Narcissism of Feminist Body Art," in Body
Art/Performing the Subject, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1998. Annette Kubitza, "Hannah Wilke: Bildervollstandiger und unvollstandiger Schonheit," in Frauen Kunst
Wessenschaft, May, 1994. Cassandra Langer, "The Art of Healing," MS Magazine, 1988. Richard Meyer, "Hard Targets, Male Bodies,
Feminist Art and the Force of Censorship in the 1970s," in WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, The
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2007. Griselda Pollock, Review of "Hannah Wilke: Elective Affinities" at Alison
Jacques Gallery, London, in Art Monthly, August, 2010. Nancy Princenthal, "Mirror of Venus," Art in America, February, 1997. Marsie Scharlatt "To A Songbird," in exhibition
catalog, Intra Venus, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, 1994. Marsie Scharlatt, "Hannah in
California," in exhibition catalog, Hannah Wilke, Selected Work 1960-1992, Hannah Wilke Collection &
Archive, Los Angeles, and SolwayJones, 2004. Lowry Sims, "Body Politics: Hannah Wilke and
Kathlynn Sullivan," in catalog for Art and Ideology, The New Museum, New York, 1979. Michael
Solway, "Pondering Ohio," in exhibition catalog Hannah Wilke, Selected Work 1960-1962, Hannah Wilke Collection
& Archive, Los Angeles, and SolwayJones, 2004. Selected Interviews With Hannah Wilke
Wilke Interview," Linda Montano, Performance Artists Talking in the Eighties, University of California Press,
Berkeley, 2006 "Body Language: Hannah Wilke Interview," with Bonnie
Finberg, Cover, 1989. "Politicizing Art: Hannah Wilke's Art, Politics, Religion
and Feminism," interview with Marvin Jones, The New Common Good, 1985. "Artist
Hannah Wilke Talks with Ernst," Oasis de Neon, 1978. "Hannah Wilke in Conversation with Ruth Iskin,"
Visual Dialogue, Los Angeles, 1977 "Hannah Wilke: Sexy Objects, " interview with Lil Picard, Andy
Warhol's Interview, #29, 1973. Selected
Books, Catalogs, Articles
Modern Women: Women Artists in the Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New
York, 2010 The Original Copy: Photography of Sculpture, 1939 - Today. Edited by Roxana Marcocci, The Museum of Modern
Art, New York, 2010 elles @ the Pompidou: Women Artists in the Centre Pompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2009 Marcel Duchamp: Etant
Donnees. Edited by Michael Taylor. The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, 2009 Collection: The First Thirty Years.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2009 WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution. Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles,
2008. Schor, Mira. "Patrilineage," in Wet: On Painting,
Feminism, and Art Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996. The Power of Feminist Art.
Edited by Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. New York, NY: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994
Roth, Moira. The Amazing Decade: Women and Performance Art in America 1970-1980.
Los Angeles: Astro Artz, 1983, pp. 146-47. DuPuy,
Jean, editor. Collective Consciousness: Art Performances in the Seventies. Performing Arts Journal Publications,
1980. Goldberg, RoseLee. Performance: Live Art 1909 to the
Present. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1979 Rose, Barbara. "Vaginal Iconology."
New York, May 20, 1974 Lippard, Lucy R. "Eros Presumptive."
Hudson Review, Spring, 1967. Roxen, Lillian. "H. Wilke Ceramic Erotica."
Comment [Australia], August, 1967